The other day, we told you about Major League Baseball (MLB) players using the Trump raised fist/fight gesture as a game time celebration. It marked a sea-change in MLB and political discourse: openly using something affiliated with Trump was a surefire way to get canceled or reprimanded just a few short weeks ago. Now MLB players are doing it openly.

Back when this writer reported on it she wrote, ‘We’re sure, somewhere, a Leftist is raging about this.’

And we’ve found that Leftist. The perpetually outraged Keith Olbermann, ladies and gentlemen:

Attn @mlb ban these guys from baseball for life, confiscate the @Cardinals franchise, and implode the stadium

Cardinals = Trump Nazis

Stick to sports


America has had enough of this shit.

He tried deleting this post, but the Internet is forever, Keith.

Keith Olbermann loses it


Source: Amy Curtis,