Joy Reid recently compared Trump to Hitler, as she normally does, in an unhinged rant posted to social media.

The comparisons to Hitler play a role in radicalizing people to the point of wanting to assassinate Trump.

[Rough transcript.]

Y’all just tell me who the nominee is going to be. Let me know, when you guys are finished fighting amongst yourselves, who I got to vote for in November to keep Hitler out the White House. That’s all I want to know who I got to vote for to keep Hitler out the White House y’all do your thing play in traffic all you want in front of these Republicans acting a fool in front of these people instead of privately declaring your stuff but don’t text me no more cuz I’m not taking no more of these texts just let me know when you guys are finished figuring it out Democrats cuz I know all the Freak Out people go ahead and freak out have your conversation and then let me know who I got to vote for to keep Hitler out the White House that’s it I’m done oh and by the way if it’s Biden, I’mma vote for Biden in a coma. I don’t even really particularly like the guy I a lot of his policy don’t like him he’s not Donald Trump right yeah Hitler White House we keeping him out keeping project 2025 out that’s all I care about up and down the ballot from the routed to the tutor School Board all the way up to White House and everything in between governors members of Congress I’m just going to vote all the way down to keep these people out the project 2025 think is the whole Republican party at this point it’s not about Biden it is not about him it’s above me now there’s a Best Western next door it is about keeping Donald Trump and his project 2025 friends out of power that’s it for me y’all y’all let me know what you think and another thing I’ve always got another thing you guys do know that in 2020 y’all Democrats had choices of young people you had a young lgbtq guy mayor Pete you had a Latino you had uh kamla Harris you had Liz Warren you had all these choices that were all younger than Biden fresher and newer than Biden and you know who y’all pick to be the president and the nominee Joe Biden he beat all the young people so yes we have a gerontocracy problem on the Democratic side way too many of these oldie Goldies that don’t seem to want to sit down and retire but when given the choice between the young and fresh and Joe Biden y’all pick Joe Biden that was what you picked so he’s in there because Democrats actually picked him in the first place so just keep that in mind that you’ve been given options in the past and this is what you picked and nobody stepped up to choose to run against him in the primary so once again Democrats went out and voted and picked if you try to undo that choice like 57 million something my Democrats voted in these primaries so what are you going to do you’re going to just tell them F off we’re going to pick somebody different that’s not him or KLA Harris who was on that ticket too on those ballots that’s not democracy this Choice has been made and so again unless he decides to walk away this is your choice it’s like when you go to a wedding you got chicken or fish you can eat chicken or fish or just be hungry or like when I was growing up in my house it’s what mom made for dinner or go to bed those your choices you don’t always get choices that you love you get what mom made for dinner or take your ass to bed and in this case it’s either what mom made for dinner or Hitler I’m voting for whoever ain’t Hitler and it ain’t him and I’m going all the way down that ballot rooted to the tutor school board up to the White House this is about power and about picking not Hitler that’s it that’s it that’s me okay now I’m really done bye.

Source: Shawn Farash, via 𝕏