• Might CISA declare that the 2024 election was the “least secure in American history” while still “circling the wagons” to protect Dominion, ES&S, etc.?

Would CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) flip-the-script after the 2024 election — 180 degrees from 2020 — and declare that the 2024 election was irreparably compromised? Going from “the most secure election in our history” in 2020, to “the most compromised in our history” in 2024?

Could the Democrats and UniParty Republicans in Congress then use that CISA declaration as a pretext to refuse to certify Donald J. Trump as President in January, 2025?

Could they be hatching such a plan? YES.

Support for President Trump is now exceeding groundswell levels — and so confidence grows that the American public can successfully “outvote” the massive UniParty-supported fraud that is sure to be executed.

Our growing confidence could for them be a “vulnerability that can be exploited.”

Could a “Plan B” for the Deep State / UniParty / Globalist-CCP Axis be to “flip the script” and soon claim that our election systems are indeed insecure, and that interference (by the Russians or whoever they use as a boogeyman) fatally tainted the results?

Democrats (in a pre-programming the public move?) are already openly talking about refusing to certify the election should Donald Trump win the general election (and he will win among legitimate voters).

Could then parliamentary maneuvers be invoked to have the House select (anoint / insert / inject) as “President” someone acceptable to the UniParty et als.?

It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds; in fact, it’s entirely plausible. As we shall see …

Many of us recall that shortly after the stolen election of 2020 — a/k/a “the color revolution of 2020” a/k/a “the coup d’etat of 2020” — Chris Krebs of CISA unabashedly proclaimed to our nation, and to the world, that 2020 was the “most secure election in history.”

To be more specific, on November 12, 2020, CISA issued an unambiguous statement, declaring:

“The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history …” [And then in bold font] “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.”

CISA, mere days after the election, also cooed reassuringly: “While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too. When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”

Hmmm, “trusted voices” like the officials in Detroit that papered-over windows so that election observers couldn’t even observe from afar? Or election officials in Georgia later caught on tape stuffing and then recycling and restuffing ballots into machines in the middle of the night — after the building was supposedly closed due to a water leak?

Sometimes what was not said is more important than what was said. CISA did not mention that from 2016 right up to the 2020 election, Democrats and computer experts both decried the vulnerability of the voting ballot scanners and tabulators. Don’t take my word for it; check out this brilliant montage from One America News.

Heck, even CNN was on it!

As was The New York Times!

Yet, in the overnight hours following the polls closing in 2020, there was something resembling an electoral immaculate conception of new machines and accompanying software, for immediately after that CISA and the legacy media determined that the machines’ security, performance and accuracy are henceforth unquestionable, unassailable. The machines are perfect, they were and remain without sin.

[Never mind those Serbians behind the curtain; it’s all in your imagination.]

At least until narrative needs change again, with the prior narrative to be “memory holed.”

By the way, here’s what an electoral immaculate conception looks like:


Now, a critical word about CISA. Most of us had not heard of it until after the 2020 coup d’etat, at which time the media presented it as an agency dedicated to cyber-security. Well, we now know, “not so much.” In fact, in a recent interview with Mike Benz and Tucker Carlson, CISA was actually created and operates as a, if not the, “tip of the spear” for the Deep State division of the Globalist-CCP Axis. (P.S. This is a “must watch” interview — in its entirety!)

This would be the same Deep State that for decades has executed “regime change” throughout the world, including by rigging election systems through “color revolutions.” All of us can be excused for believing, up until 2016, that they would never deploy such techniques against the American public.

Today — in a post-Russiagate, post-coup d’etat country — it would be the height of naivetè to continue to hold such faith.

When you think about it, what better way to steal elections than to have software and algorithms at your disposal in black-box machines? See, e.g., the documentaries “Absolute Proof,” “Selection Code” and (most recently) “Let My People Go” (which credibly eviscerates the machines).

Moreover, the very existence and use of the scanners and tabulators by single vendors egregiously violates the accounting principle for maintaining integrity through “separation of duties.”

A programmed scanner “reads” a ballot (or “records” what people tap on a touch-screen) — we are told — and accurately conveys that information to a programmed tabulator. Which, we are told, accurately totals and reports the result. Uh huh. Maybe not so much: see here.


Tainted voter rolls provide the inventory with which machines their software algorithms can “adjust” to fabricate desired outcomes.

Further, it has been demonstrated that ghost voter registrations can be electronically created, votes “tabulated,” and then wiped in real time — see here — with even local election officials none the wiser. (This could explain how in certain states in 2020, where extraordinary last-minute measures were needed to overcome Trump’s unanticipated strength among legitimate voters. It could be that ghost voters were created, votes tabulated, then wiped from the voter rolls — accounting for more votes counted than registered voters in many places.)

Which brings us to CISA’s latest warnings about “voter rolls” and cyber-attacks (as mentioned above, the accuracy and security of the scanners and tabulators is never to be questioned). In the pre-2020 media reports that OAN compiled, mention was made of vulnerabilities including tampering with voter registration databases. This before “the most secure” election in American history.

Which begs an initial question: after all the election integrity controversy since 2020, why are we now being told by CISA that the voter rolls may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks? (HINT: Consider the possibility that they’re pre-programming the public for false-flag attacks initiated on behalf of the Deep State and UniParty.)

In fact, CISA is putting on quite the show.

And Democrat Senators are doing their part for some pre-programming narrative(s):

“American elections are less secure today than they were four years ago, thanks to foreign threats, the rise of artificial intelligence and Americans’ flagging confidence in institutions, according to Sen. Mark Warner.”

“In many ways, we are potentially less protected as we go into 2024, in terms of the security of our elections, than we were in 2020,’ the Virginia Democrat said Tuesday at a Senate Rules and Administration Committee hearing on the administration of elections.”

“Against a backdrop of the presumptive Republican nominee for president continuing to lie about election results in 2020 even as he faces criminal charges related to his attempt to overturn them, lawmakers in each party argued the other was trying to game voting laws to boost their campaign chances.”

As a threshold question, doesn’t this indicate that CISA is grossly incompetent? And if it is, then why should we trust its assurances of security and election integrity?

Well, consider that “mistakes” and “incompetence” can be used as cover to provide plausible deniability for deliberate acts (e.g., the chaos in Maricopa County, Arizona in the 2022 midterms). Ponder the possibility (I’d say near certainty) that the voter rolls (and the election machines) are being deliberately left vulnerable to real-time manipulation during elections.

See, e.g., this very telling interview with Attorney Kurt Olsen on Bannon’s War Room on March 15, 2024. Can the vulnerabilities he describes be anything but deliberate???

Now, harken back to this presentation about “Hammer and Scorecard.” Might the latest vulnerabilities identified be part of this system?

We must approach our analysis election theft / color revolutions as a military analyst would. You work to arrange the “battlespace” in your favor, and in the spirit of Sun Tzu, attempt to hide your plans from your adversary (in the case, their adversary being the legitimate American voter).

In such planning, executing seemingly unrelated or random events can work to your favor. Additionally, you will have contingency plans — your Plan A, Plan B, Plan C — so as to shift gears when necessary, so that you still achieve your ultimate objective if some contingencies don’t work out. Which in this case is the objective preventing President Trump from serving the second term to which he was already elected once before.

Across the country voter integrity groups are ramping up to try to prevent another steal, including by working to clean corrupted voter registration rolls.

The evildoers behind the election fraud infrastructure — and this is very much a UniParty supported infrastructure — are well aware of what the white hats have learned from the steal of 2020, and the counter-measures the white hats are attempting. Such as working to purge voter rolls of ineligible voter registrations, thus reducing the “inventory” available to the machines & mules.

Measures and counter-measures …

We have to assume that the evildoers will develop new tactics and measures for fraud to nullify the white hats’ efforts. Also, they will have their own “lessons learned.”

One was that they underestimated Trump’s support in 2016, and even in 2020. This forced them to react with stopping counting in the middle of the night, and the mysterious bumps of “votes” received by the loser Biden in the middle of the night.

This, in turn, dented their plausible deniability that Biden “freely and fairly” won a close election. Which ensured that “election deniers” would not accept the results, and work to restore genuinely “free and fair” elections in this country.

So, anticipate that they’re seeing what we’re seeing: a historical groundswell of support for Trump, including in the Black and Hispanic communities. Such that the white hats are increasingly confident — perhaps being lulled into complacency — that the votes by legitimate voters will overcome the existing fraud infrastructure.

Now, consider too that for many of the evildoers, the stakes are now well-past just maintaining their grip on power. If Trump prevails and we get an honest Attorney General, many of them could well be facing prosecution for treason, and the death penalty if convicted. So, they have everything to lose, and so will act with the attendant desperation and amoral imperative.

So, their “Plan A” may be to do what they’ve always done — ballot harvesting, mules, feeding fraudulent ballots through scanners, and so on. But they certainly won’t rely on that alone.

State and local forces being preemptively deployed to assure the public that the election infrastructure is secure, and that any contrary information is (the usual shobboleths of) “no evidence,” “misinformation / disinformation” or “conspiracy theory.” (This even as CISA is warning of vulnerabilities with voter registration databases — though, again, the Dominion / ES&S etc. machines must never be mentioned. Never mind the cognitive dissonance; nothing to see here, move along …):

“State and local election officials across the country have begun pursuing strategies to combat election lies ahead of the 2024 presidential election: They’re meeting with community organizations, posting social media videos and even inviting skeptics to visit election offices in efforts to ‘pre-bunk’ falsehoods they know are coming.

“The threat, officials said, has not gone away since former President Donald Trump and his allies falsely claimed the 2020 presidential election was rigged and tainted by widespread voter fraud. The next presidential election is more than a year away, but it’s never too early to invest in spreading the truth about elections, officials said.”

In recent weeks we’ve seen Democrats openly talking about refusing to certify the election if Trump wins. At the same time, “Republicans” are starting to announce their very unusual “early retirement” before the election (Buck and Gallagher, as of this writing). Consider the likelihood none of these events are unrelated.

That whether through bribes or blackmail, the Democrats and/or Deep State / “intelligence community” has identified weak and vulnerable Republicans and — albeit separated by a couple of weeks between each so as to not be too obvious — is having them “retire” so as to flip control of the House to the Democrats before the election.

This would immediately end all Biden impeachment efforts, all other investigations, and leave a Democrat majority to “certify” OR NOT the results of the 2024 election. And perhaps select the next President because the election results “can’t” be certified.

‘Can’t be certified.’

Well, various possibilities — or should we say, elements of contingency Plan B’s and so on — present themselves:

Presumably they’re still hoping that lawfare against President Trump, including a potential jail sentence, will get him to throw-in-the-towel and/or disillusion his supporters, enabling the “classic” election fraud mechanisms to put Biden or designated-successor over the top.

If not, flood the voter registration rolls at the last minute with the names of millions of illegal aliens, doing so when it’s too late for election integrity forces to counter. This providing the inventory for machines & mules to inject “votes” as needed.

NOTE that, presumably, “touch screen” voting entirely eliminates the need for mules and fraudulent ballots. For at least in theory, everything from registration to voting — the entire voter “transaction” — can be executed electronically. Violating the aforementioned “separation of duties” principle.

Ponder how many the ten-million+ illegals shipped-in by the Biden-Harris Junta have already been processed through “motor voter” registration, and those (illegitimate) registrations are being held in a reserve inventory to be injected into voter registration rolls at an opportune time, when and if needed?

And — if somehow Trump still prevails over all that fraud — could it be that CISA as a “Plan C” would then declare that the injection of registrations (that it enabled in the first place) was because of a cyber-attack (by “the Russians” or whoever) — and that the election results are irreparably corrupted?

In other words, CISA would flip the 2020 script on its head, and declare that 2024 was the “least secure election in history.” And by doing so, would set the stage for refusal to certify a Trump victory, and for a Democrat-controlled House to select the next President?

Yes, they would rather maintain the illusion of “free and fair elections” as much as possible — the easier it is to then counter with assertions of “election deniers” peddling “conspiracy theories.”

And a selection of a President by the House after an “uncertifiable” elections will make such refutations much harder to make stick. In fact, an absolute majority may then red-pill and realize that the game is rigged.

For the perpetrators of such, this is far from ideal. But if you were one of them, would your rather deal with that, or with eventually being asked if you want a blindfold and a last cigarette?

Of course, I can’t say if any of the above is actually in the works. But judge for yourself if such is plausible … or other things along those lines?

But after our experience since the 2020 elections, how could we not consider such possibilities?

Source: Tom Wigand, tomwigand.substack.com/p/election-steal-2024-could-cisa-and